Project Retzwiller : 11 000 photovoltaic panels are operational in Alsace
4.6 MW of PHOTOWATT’s photovoltaic panels are powering 2000 homes daily
The whole power production is dispatched in the public network and fill 18 to 20% of the territorial yearly consumption, which is 5700 MWh per year.
The Retzwiller project started back in 2018 with the building permit allowal on the field of the old Gilardoni’s Brothers factory that was left abandoned. The Project leader Tryba Energy trusted PHOTOWATT’s experts to ensure the whole production of 11 000 photovoltaic panels PW72LHT-C.
The revaluation of this orphan space allowed to avoid the creation and use of a new field. Moreover, this wide french-based project is important economicaly and localy speaking, because it involved companies of the sector to support the development and installation of the power plant.